Professor Charles N Chunge
On his return to Kenya in late 1981, he continued his work as a Clinical Research Scientist, and the fledgling Clinical Research Centre was transformed into the newly established Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). During his years in KEMRI, from 1982 to 1986, he carried out extensive clinical, field and laboratory research in tropical diseases such as leishmaniasis. schistosomiasis, malaria, amoebiasis, among others. In 1986 he was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Medical Microbiology in the Medical School at the University of Nairobi, where he left his mark as a popular and effective teacher of Parasitology. In 1989 he was awarded a PhD from the University of Nairobi for his work on discovering a new treatment for leishmaniasis, which later became the gold standard. He left the faculty for nearly 2 years on a scholarship to McMaster University in Canada from 1989 to late 1990, where he gained another Masters degree, in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Economics. Over the years he published many articles in peer-reviewed journals and became a leading authority on clinical parasitology and tropical medicine in Kenya. In 1994 he embarked on launching a company for private practice. Together with his wife he established a clinic which grew into the Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine (CTTM), which has gained reputation as a specialized centre for travel vaccines, diagnosis and treatment of infectious and tropical diseases. He continued many projects outside the practice too, gaining recognition from the United Nations for a typhoid vaccination programme. In 2009 he was made a Fellow of the Faculty of Travel Medicine (FFTM RCPS) in the University of Glasgow, Scotland. In 2015 he was appointed as an Executive Dean of the newly created School of Medicine in the Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) in his home town of Kakamega. The appointment gave him simultaneous professorship. His task was to start the school from scratch and admit students to study medicine. By the time his 5-year contract had ended, in late 2020, the first batch of students were beginning their 3rd year of studies. During his tenure in Kakamega he also founded WECOHAS, a community organization created to improve local healthcare and encourage community enterprise. He continues to see patients at CTTM and to serve on various committees in an advisory capacity. PublicationsHe has very many scientific publications, the most recent being: